Ongoing projects Heading link

Primary Projects

Cortical priming to optimize gait rehabilitation post stroke.
Funding: National Institutes of Health NICHD R01HD075777 renewal. (Madhavan)

Remotely supervised transcranial direct current stimulation for slowing disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Funding: National Institutes of Health NICHD R21HD102722. (Madhavan)


Contribution of the non-lesioned hemisphere to lower limb movement and walking function after stroke
Funding: National Institutes of Health NICHD Post doctoral Fellowship F32  (Cleland)

Effects of high-intensity gait training on fatigue, gait, and neuroplasticity in people with multiple sclerosis
Funding: UIC AHS Interdisciplinary Pilot Award (Cleland)

Upper Limb-based Movement Priming for Lower Limb Neuroplasticity & Motor Recovery in Stroke
Funding: American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship (Doshi)

Motor and neurophysiological changes after ischemic conditioning in individuals with stroke
Funding: American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship (Cummings)

Completed projects Heading link

Primary Projects

Does the non-lesioned hemisphere influence paretic lower limb motor function following stroke?
National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Merit Research Fellowship (PI: Madhavan)

Transcranial direct current stimulation as a novel therapeutic approach for individuals with ALS.
AHS Interdisciplinary Pilot Award (PI: Madhavan)

Smart Ankle-Foot Motion Tracker device for Neurorehabilitation.
Chancellor’s Innovation Fund Phase I (PI: Madhavan)

Cortical priming to optimize gait rehabilitation post stroke.
National Institutes for Health NICHD R01HD075777 (PI: Madhavan)

DIG-I-PRIME™,   a game-based system for stroke neurorehabilitation
Funding: The University of Illinois at Chicago Chancellor’s Innovation Fund Phase II  (Madhavan)


 Randomized Trial of the Innovative Neurotronics WalkAide Compared to Conventional Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) in Stroke Patients.
Instride Clinical Investigation

Randomized Control Trial Comparing Task Specific Training using Stride Management Assist (SMA) vs. Impairment based Physical Therapy (IPT) on Functional Walking Ability following Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation.
Honda R& D  (PI: Jayaraman)

Robot-assisted ankle rehabilitation and neural plasticity after stroke.
AT Still University Intramural Award (PI: Lynskey)

Understanding the neural effects of non-invasive brain stimulation enhanced aerobic exercise in stroke survivors. American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (PI: Sivaramakrishnan)

Bilateral priming plus task specific training for sever upper limb hemiparesis
Funding: National Institutes of Health R01 HD091492 (Corcos)

Effect on Functional Walking Ability following Gait, Balance, and Functional Mobility Training Using the Gait Enhancing and Motivating System – Hip (GEMS-H) in Sub-acute and Chronic Stroke.
Funding: Samsung R& D (Jayaraman)

Influence of cross priming with the non-paretic leg on paretic leg function in people with severe stroke
Funding: National Institutes of Health NICHD Post doctoral Fellowship F32  (Lim) and American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship 829816 (Lim)